24 July, 2014


24 July, 2014

When Katherine was younger, she hated having her picture taken. We still don't know why. Some Africans, upon first seeing a photograph, thought that their souls had been stolen. Perhaps Katherine had the same fears. At any rate, there are several family photos with me trying to get Katherine to raise her head, while she does "the turtle". Since that time, she has slowly allowed the world to see her face. The ultimate was a photo shoot by Tina Wrona in Southern Pines. Tina is a professional photographer and actually teachers other photographers how to shoot the perfect picture. She asked if our girls could be models for one of her lessons. Hmmm...Let me think about it for a minute. OK!!!

This was the first, and only time, that Katherine has said that she looked beautiful. We have often used that moment as a way of reinforcing some positive things in Katherine's life. Thank you, Tina, for that precious gift.

Tonight, over dinner, we were all laughing about a series of photos I took of a "Roman soldier" at the Colosseum. Evidently they are not even sanctioned by the authorities, but they will happily allow you to take a picture with them for €3-4. We spotted several of these Photo Soldiers the other day. One in particular was somewhat camera shy. He would actively seek to avoid the camera, unless you were willing to pay for a picture. As a consequence, he seldom had any customers. While the other centurions were scooping up the moolah, he was playing Sean Penn with the paparazzi. That just tickled me to no end. I saw an opportunity for another adventure.

The Great White Hunter stalks his prey, the ever elusive Centurionis Romanas. Seldom has man seen, much less photographed this magnificent creature. The male is resplendent with green plumage and a beautiful green cape. Notice his authentic faux leather boots and slightly shorter than normal sword. This could prove a significant disadvantage when attracting a suitable mate. Great White Hunter moves warily toward the left. Egads! The beast has spotted us. Taking a photo now will prove most difficult. See his protective maneuver.

Ahhh, an opportunity lost. Patience will win the day, however. The Great White Hunter stalks along behind Centurionis Romanas, ostensibly taking photos of the Colosseum, the natural mating grounds for C.R.

Spooked, the highly intelligent animal maintains a wary eye upon the hunter, who keeps a respectful distance, for fear of a frontal assault.

What's this? A group of girls asks the hunter to take their photograph? Ahh, yes! Of course! A diversion will do nicely here, won't it? As the GWH happily snaps away in feigned nonchalance, the beast is confronted with a bona fide customer, a little girl who wants a photo. What stupendous luck!

The Great White Hunter moves in for the kill. See the determination in the soldier's eyes. He is defeated, but not without his measure of pride.

Another successful safari in the wilds of Rome.

What good fortune! At the ruins of the famed Pantheon, we find yet another fine example of the species. This one is anachronistically talking on his cell phone, no doubt communicating with his Colosseum brethren, who are giving fair warning. Alas, too late for him.

These photos will hang as trophies in the Great White Hunter's library.

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